Many of us know about Gokhru as the favorite fruit of Lord Shiva and is available can be seen in our surroundings sometimes. It is a wild plant that bears ample benefits. It looks like a green ball that has thorn on the outside and the flowers are yellow. It is known as Tribulus Terrestris in English that is a part of Ayurvedic chronic kidney disease medicines for ages now. In this blog of Karma Ayurveda, we will discuss the exemplary benefits of Gokhru for your kidneys but as you all know that you should have a guidance of an expert before consuming it so, make sure you are consulting your nephrologist first after giving this a read. We will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of consuming Gokhru, please read it carefully.
Let us discuss the benefits of Gokhru: A divine chronic kidney disease medicine. Gokhru can be consumed in the following ways:
- Boil a glass of water and add a teaspoon of Gokhru powder to it and drink it.
- Boil a glass of water add ginger powder and Gokhru powder to it and drink it.
- Consume the extracts of Gokhru plant.
- Apply the Gokhru paste on the skin and affected area of the body.
- Boil the roots, fruit, flower and leaves of Gokhru and boil it to make a ‘Kadha’ or syrup. Drink the water for extraordinary benefits.
- Drink the water mixed with whey and Gokhru.
When to consume: It is considered good to consume Gokhru in the morning and evening. Please consult the doctor once before consuming it.
How much to consume: You can use a small spoon of Gokhru powder once a day.
Now let us discuss the disadvantages. There is no doubt that Gokhru is a beneficial herb, but its benefits can have some disadvantages. If it is consumed in excess or without the advice of a doctor, then it may have the following disadvantages:
- In certain circumstances it can cause hepatotoxicity.
- Acute kidney failure or multiple organ failure in the worst-case scenario.
- Excess intake of it can cause testosterone to increase excessively, which may become fatal to heart health
- Affected sexual lives
- Incorrect intake of this can cause neurotoxicity (damage to the nervous system).
However, the correct guidance of a kidney expert can help you with the required amount of Gokhru should be taken and will also tell you the effects that it has on the body. According to the experts of Karma Ayurveda, Gokhru is an effective Ayurvedic chronic kidney disease medicine that helps with the prevention of multiple disorders and diseases related to kidneys and associated organs. Such as:
It helps in treating the urinary tract infection:
Urinary tract infection (UTI) can be associated with any organ carrying out urinary function. The quality of Gokhru can rectify these problems in urinary function. UTI holds the potential to affect the organs like kidneys, ureters, bladder, etc by developing stones in the urinary system. During a scientific investigation, it was discovered that the tannic acid, diosgenin and quercetin elements present in Gokhru can not only cure the problem of UTI, but also provide protection from this problem.
Sexual problems
As we have just told you, normal intake of Gokhru can increase testosterone by increasing luteinizing hormone and gonadotropin-releasing hormone. This can eliminate the problem of infertility. Additionally, it also acts to increase the hormone libido (sexual activity capacity and will), which can help to alleviate sexual problems to a great extent. Another scientific research has found that consumption of bunions may prove beneficial for sexual satisfaction ability.
Maintenance of overall health:
Gokhru can also be used to make health, as it can show an effective effect on your health. Considering the benefits of Gokhru for health, scientific research has reported that the use of Gokhru extracts increases luteinizing hormone, which can strengthen the body muscles and help increase physical strength.
It eases the chest burn or pain:
As we all know that kidneys and the heart’s functioning are interrelated and if one organ gets affected then the other as well. During kidney diseases, having pain in chest generally occurs because of the blocked blood vessels by the waste present in the blood. If chest pain starts, it becomes difficult to even breathe, but do not panic, because bunions can be beneficial here too. Scientific research has suggested that the use of Gokhru can relieve the problem of 'fullness in the chest'. For the same, many believe that it is one of the best chronic kidney disease medicine.
Beneficial for players:
Gokhru is considered to be the biggest advantage for the players. Actually, Gokhru has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, Gokharu has been considered effective in increasing physical ability. Consumption of Gokhru can also protect players from heart problems. Studies conducted by experts have observed that the intake of bunions may play an active role in increasing physical ability, especially in weight lifting sportsmen.
So, this was about Gokhru: A divine chronic kidney disease medicine. If you have more doubts and queries or even a suggestion then you can avail of the newly introduced online consultation of Karma Ayurveda by Dr. Puneet Dhawan.
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