The human kidneys are proficient in performing various life-supporting functions. Significantly they clear out the waste from the body. Kidneys are continuously exposed to toxins due to which the chances of getting damaged are very high for them. A kidney is said to be failed when they lose their capability of removing toxins and are left with only 10 to15% of their functioning. According to the Ayurvedic doctor for kidney failure, there are numerous factors that interfere with the kidneys’ health. These factors are inclusive of chronic and acute kidney disease, excess of dehydration, kidney trauma, and drug abuse. Moreover, these are just some of the numerous factors, the list is very long. When the kidneys do not perform their function properly, a dangerous amount of toxins accumulates in the body and results in the failure of the kidneys. This condition can be a threat to life if it does not receives prompt treatment.
Identifying kidney failure
As we know that kidney failure is of two types, the acute kidney failure in which the kidneys of the human fails abruptly and suddenly and the chronic kidney failure in which the kidneys lose their function gradually. However, both the types of kidney failure can be painful and kidneys do not perform well despite these two causes. Ayurvedic doctor for kidney failure says that knowing about the causes and signs of these two types of kidney failure can help a person in differentiating the type of kidney loss they are going through.
- Despite the type of kidney failure one can notice significant changes in the urine. In both cases, either there will be high output of urine or no output at all. You are likely to notice some foam or bubble in the urine which is the presence of protein in the urine or some dark color urine which is hematuria, the presence of red blood cells in the urine.
- Fatigue is one of the primary signs of acute kidney failure. During kidney failure the body lacks oxygen-carrying red blood cells and it causes anemia. This condition can make you feel cold and tired says the Ayurvedic doctor for kidney failure.
- It is necessary for you to keep a check if any of your body parts are swollen. The medical term for this condition is edema which causes the fluid to accumulate in the body. This is common in both acute and chronic kidney failure.
- If you ever feel mentally sluggish or dizzy then you might be facing this problem due to anemia as not enough of red blood cell is able to reach the brain. It is important for you to go to an Ayurvedic doctor for kidney failure in such a condition.
Apart from identifying the signs, identifying risk factors also counts. It is crucial for anyone to be aware of the conditions that might lead to kidney failure. As per the suggestions of Ayurvedic doctor for kidney failure, both types of kidney failure is preceded by some medical phenomenon. If you notice any of the below-mentioned conditions then be ready because you might develop a type of kidney failure and this is the time you should consult with a doctor.
- Damage in the kidney due to muscle breakdown, medically known as rhabdomyolysis.
- Obstruction in the urinary tract.
- Heart attack
- The hemolytic uremic syndrome is the condition of blockage of the small vessels presents inside the kidneys.
Ayurvedic doctor for kidney failure says that one should also care about the common causes that might lead to chronic kidney failure. Such as:
- Longstanding condition of high blood pressure.
- Kidney stones
- Diabetes
- Glomerulonephritis
- Inherited diseases
- Reflux nephropathy
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